Welcome to Turtle Golf!

Goal: Get O. Shawn the Turtle back to the ocean by dropping a rock in the 4 beach puddles to create a ripple to push him from puddle to puddle till he gets to the ocean


Use the sliders in the bottom left of the screen to position the rock, then press Drop Rock to drop the rock into the puddle.


  • Press Retry Puddle/Spawn Rock to reset everything on current puddle, you will be reset to the puddle you are on (it saves)
  • If the turtle lands close to the puddle it will sometimes count
  • Press Retry Puddle/Spawn Rock upon landing in a new puddle to set the turtle to the center of the puddle


Free Assets I utilized:

Song: https://pixabay.com/music/beats-the-beach-lofi-track-194510/

Sand: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/textures-materials/floors/yughues-free-...

Beach Assets: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/props/exterior/super-beach-pack-39084

Skybox: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/textures-materials/sky/fantasy-skybox-f...

Water: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/vfx/shaders/aquas-lite-built-in-render-pip...


If you get stuck on a puddle you can translate the final message from Japanese to get coordinates that will get you to the next one:

水たまり1:  X - に, Y - なな, Z - なな

水たまり2:  X- ろく, Y - きゅう, Z - はち

水たまり3:  X - さん, Y- なな, Z - (ろく).5

水たまり4: X - さん, Y - (きゅう).5, Z - ろく


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Silly Noftheba!!! Hit my first spawn rock today. In the words of Marcus Jone, "Spawn rock, 3 back, another champion is formed." 

Hole in 1 Baby beat that @jimmymalloy